segunda-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2014

User’s Guide to ROME II GRAND CAMPAIGN POLITICS - Part 8: Assassinate

This is the most self-explanatory of all the actions and has the most obvious effect – it outright removes certain characters from the game. Killing a troublesome member of your own faction is no small matter, so it comes with a considerable financial cost, alongside a small political cost. Troublesome could mean an ambitious character with high Gravitas who is upsetting the balance of Influence, by causing his party to attain excessive support. Rather conveniently, one of your own party’s commanders or statesmen can also be marked for death, with your faction leader being the only exception. Characters with higher Gravitas are harder to eliminate, so have a much higher cost. Also note that it is not possible to completely destroy a political party by killing off all of their members – the party will always remain regardless. Additionally, as turns are ended new statesmen will always spawn into their party to represent them.

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