segunda-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2014

A User’s Guide to ROME II GRAND CAMPAIGN POLITICS - Part 5: Influence and Support

As we've seen, Influence is shared out amongst the political parties in percentages displayed on the faction summary screen. These percentages correlate with how much support each party has from within their own faction, usually from an invisible patrician class. These are individuals such as senators, tribal elders, court nobles, and so on. The type of individual will vary depending on the culture of the faction being played (for example, the support given to the parties of the democratic Hellenistic factions comes from their citizens and not from a patrician class). In any case, there are always a limited number of these power-granting individuals, and they can only give their support to one party at any one time. Therefore, losing or gaining their support means a loss or gain of political Influence. This is important when deciding whether or not to carry out political actions, as many of them will cost the support of a fixed number of patricians in the short term.
You can observe exactly how many of these individuals support your party at the top of your faction summary screen. The displayed Influence percentages for the opposition parties also produce a tool-tip when your mouse is hovered over it, which details exactly how many individuals support them.

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