“Unity, Agility, Faith”
The Lusitani lived in Iberia long before Carthage and Rome disturbed the region, and they will remain long after their oppressors have left. They are, like their distant cousins the Suebi, not a single clan but a confederation of smaller tribes, working together for defensive purposes and mutual gain.
As Hannibal's Carthaginian army marches through lands previously controlled by Rome, there is opportunity for the Lusitani to expand beyond their bounds to claim back Iberia from its invaders. However, though there may be prudence in caution, even fraternisation, with the enemy at first, eventually they must be expelled from the land!
A proud tribal people, the Lusitani place great stock in the act of sacrifice, and even the lowliest Lusitani recruit fights with greater savagery than his rank might imply. However, their cultural pride prevents them from empathising well with other factions at the diplomacy table.
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